
WWE Raw Results (12/11/23)

In-Ring Segment: Jey Uso

Jey welcomes the crowd to the show. He’s excited about having Yeet back. He’s also excited that CM Punk is here and hopes he chooses Raw. Punk is a real one, per Jey. Jey wishes his boy Sami Zayn a speedy recovery. Jey says he is about to stand on business tonight against Drew McIntyre. McIntyre’s music cuts Jey off. McIntyre tells Jey to stop kissing butt. McIntyre pleads with the GMs not to sign CM Punk. He’ll destroy the locker room and isn’t worth it. McIntyre apologizes to Sami Zayn for injuring him. McIntyre tells Jey that’s what an apology looks like since Jey is incapable of apologizing to him. Jey and McIntyre toss their mics and fight.

Drew McIntyre vs. Jey Uso

Jey lands a series of right hands followed by a clothesline that sends McIntyre over the top rope. After the break, Jey gets a near fall after a crossbody off the top. McIntyre catches Jey with a knee to the gut. McIntyre lays in a few strikes as Jey is out on the mat. Deadlift suplex by McIntyre. McIntyre works over Jey. The fight spills out of the ring. McIntyre tries a Claymore. Jey avoids it, and McIntyre lands on the announce desk. Jey lands a dive. After the break, Jey knocks McIntyre into a tree of woe. McIntyre sits up and suplexes Jey off the top. Jey lands a few punches. McIntyre floors Jey with a Glasgow kiss.

McIntyre misses an ax handle off the top. Samoan drop by Jey. McIntyre kicks out. McIntyre tries the Claymore but eats two superkicks. Jey tries the Uso Splash. McIntyre gets his knees up. Future Shock DDT by McIntyre. Jey kicks out! McIntyre rips off one of the turnbuckle pads. Jey surprises McIntyre with a Spear. McIntyre kicks out. The official turns to put the turnbuckle pad back on. McIntyre takes this opportunity to drive his thumb in Jey’s eye. McIntyre finally hits the Claymore for the win.

Winner- Drew McIntyre

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (12/4/23)

Rhea Ripley vs. Maxxine Dupri w/Ivy Nile

Dupri slaps Ripley. Clothesline by Ripley. Ripley tries a powerbomb that ends in an awkward rana by Dupri. Ripley ends up in the corner. Dropkick by Dupri. Ripley boots Dupri and hits Riptide. Dupri is out on the mat. Ripley yells at Dupri about being stupid for wanting to face her. Ripley locks Dupri in the Prisim Trap. Dupri taps out.

Winner- Rhea Ripley

Ripley doesn’t release the hold. Ivy Nile gets in the ring. Ripley lets go and has a staredown with Nile. Nile doesn’t blink. Ripley walks away.

In-Ring Segment: Adam Pearce

Pearce is in the ring holding a contract for Monday Night Raw. Pearce introduces CM Punk. Punk joins Pearce in the ring. Pearce hands Punk the mic as the crowd chants his name. Punk says they have a huge decision to make. He’s been thinking about it all week. Punk says he loves this crowd, but this town and building haven’t been kind to him. He had his first match here. He had Mickie James on his arm, and he thought it went great. It went so great that when he got to the back, they told him he was going to OVW. He didn’t want to go, but he did.

The next time he was in this town, he was the world heavyweight champion. Punk wanted to defend the title, but Randy Orton kicked him in the head backstage. When he woke up, they told him he couldn’t compete, they stripped him of the title, and he was no longer champion. Ten years ago, he walked out of WWE at this building. Punk says he apologizes for disappointing fans ten years ago. Punk says he listened to all the pitches. His mind was made up when he looked at the calendar and saw Cleveland.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (12/4/23)

CM Punk says he’s home, shakes Pearce’s hand, and signs the Monday Night Raw contract. Punk celebrates with the crowd. Seth Rollins’ music hits. Rollins slowly walks to the ring. Punk and Rollins have a staredown. Half the crowd is singing Rollins’ theme, and the other is screaming “CM Punk.” Rollins angrily grabs a microphone. Rollins welcomes Punk to “Monday Night Rollins.” Punk chuckles. Rollins tells Punk he hopes Punk knows how lucky he is to be standing in this ring. Rollins demands Punk not call WWE his home. Punk spent ten years slandering Rollins and everyone in the back. This is not Punk’s home; this is Rollins’ home. Rollins will do everything in his power to protect it from people like Punk.

Rollins doesn’t want there to be any confusion; he hates Punk with every fiber of his being. But if Punk is going to be a part of WWE again, Rollins wants Punk on Raw. The truth always comes out, and everyone knows this is Punk’s last chance. Rollins says Punk is either going to self-destruct, and Rollins will be the to slam the door on Punk’s legacy. If there is some chance that Punk has anything left in the tank and Punk is lucky enough to stand across from Rollins in a world title match, Rollins promises to expose Punk and show him in real time what it means to be the best in the world.

Check Out Last Week’s Coverage: WWE Raw Results (12/4/23)

Punk asks Rollins if he is done. Punk notes that this is the only time Rollins will get a pass to speak to him disrespectfully. He’s never done anything the easy way, so Punk asks Pearce to get back in the ring so they can make something else official. Punk declares for the Royal Rumble and tells Rollins if he’s lucky, maybe Punk will choose to go after him when he wins the Rumble.

WWE Raw Results Continue on the Next Page!

Ivar w/Valhalla vs. Bronson Reed

As soon as the bell rings, both men run into each other. Savate kick by Ivar. Ivar hits the ropes and runs into a body block from Reed. Leaping elbow drop by Reed. Reed lands a chop in the corner before whipping Ivar into the other corner. A double clothesline leads to both men being down. Both men roll out of the ring. After an across-ring stare, both men crash into each other when they try crossbody blocks at the same time.

After the break, Ivar and Reed trade clotheslines. Reed hits the ropes. Spinebuster by Ivar. Reed kicks out. Ivar misses a Bronco buster. Reed goes up top. Ivar cuts him off. A clothesline by Ivar sends Reed out to the floor. Ivar dives off the top and hits a cannonball. Ivar goes up for the Doomsault. Reed cats Ivar off. Both men trade strikes. Reed superplexes Ivar and gets the three count.

Winner- Bronson Reed

In-Ring Segment: The Judgement Day

Ripley isn’t with the group. Priest and Bálor put themselves over. Priest says they have a simple message for everyone in the back. It doesn’t matter who you are, everyone is put on notice, even newbies like the Creed Brothers. Dominik tries to talk but is drowned out by the crowd, as usual. R-Truth interrupts. Truth says he went to the clubhouse, and both doors were locked. Truth asks how they are having a holiday party without him. JD McDonagh yells at Truth.

Priest tells McDonagh to calm down. Priest giggles and says he kinda wants to hear what Truth has to say. Truth gets in the ring. Truth says the first thing is they should kick McDonagh out of the group. McDonagh is livid. Truth notes that no one likes McDonagh. Truth asks Priest to stop saying he’s the leader of The Judgement Day. Priest gets hot.

Truth says he likes Priest as a leader, but it makes Mami mad. Priest notes that everyone likes Truth, and he can see why. Bálor adds that he likes Truth as well. As the crowd cheers, Priest exclaims everyone likes R-Truth… except him. Priest and the rest of The Judgement Day attack Truth. The Creed Brothers make the save.

Kayden Carter and Kitana Chance vs. Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae

Chelsea Green and Piper Niven are at the announce desk for this match. Carter and Hartwell take turns mocking each other. Carter and Chance land a combination move that ends with Chance landing a senton. Hartwell sends Chance into the ropes. Chance slingshots off of Carter’s back and lands a head scissors. LeRae tags in and crushes Chance with a step-up senton. Hartwell drops Carter with a spinebuster. Chance and Carter hit the After Party on Hartwell for the win.

Winners- Kayden Carter and Kitana Chance

In-Ring Segment: Becky Lynch

Lynch says she is here to challenge Nia Jax. Lynch throws to a video that shows Jax breaking her nose five years ago. It may be petty to bring this up now, but Lynch is petty. Lynch throws a couple of jabs Jax’s way before Jax’s music hits, and she power walks to the ring. Jax says she isn’t fired anymore and is right here in front of Lynch, better than ever. Jax says the punch five years ago was lucky. Imagine if she hit Lynch dead on? Lynch wouldn’t get up. Jax and Lynch argue over whether Jax breaking Lynch’s face is why Lynch is a megastar now. Lynch says she didn’t come here to talk but to fight. Lynch squares up. Jax tells Lynch that Lynch needs this more than she does. Jax drops the mic and walks away.

Next, we find out who #DIY’s mystery partner is.

Six-Man Tag Team Match: IMPERIUM vs. #DIY and… The Miz!

After a back and forth Miz traps Gunther in the figure-four while Gargano has Kaiser in the Gragano Escape. Gunther manages to tag in Vinci, who breaks up the figure four with a diving elbow off the top. Miz drops Vinci with the Skull Crushing Finale for the win.

Winners- #DIY and The Miz

Backstage, Gunther yells at Vinci and Kaiser. Miz interrupts and demands an Intercontinental Championship Match. Gunther gets hot and says he’ll grant Miz a title shot, but with the stipulation that Miz can’t challenge for the title again as long as he is champion. Mi agrees.

Cody Rhodes vs. Shinsuke Nakamura

Nakamura and Rhodes have an exchange that ends with a dropkick from Rhodes. Corner 10 punches by Rhodes. Rhodes goes up top. Nakamura cuts Rhodes off and blasts him with a running knee to the gut. Rhodes falls out to the apron. Nakamura dropkicks Rhodes off the apron. After the break, Nakamura works over Rhodes. Nakamura calls for the Kinshasa. Rhodes counters with a dropkick to Nakamura’s knee. Rhodes works over Nakamura’s knee. Facebuster by Rhodes. Rhodes locks in a half-crab. Nakamura gets to the ropes to break the hold.

Nakamura rolls out of the ring. Dive by Rhodes. After the break, both men trade strikes. Powerslam by Rhodes. Nakamura traps Rhodes in a rear naked choke. Rhodes breaks the hold by falling backward. Disaster kick by Rhodes. Nakamura kicks out. Bionic elbow by Rhodes. Cody cutter by Rhodes. Rhodes tries Crossroads, but Nakamura spins out of it and spits red mist in Rhodes’ face! The referee disqualifies Nakamura.

Winner- Cody Rhodes

Nakamura beats down Rhodes after the match. Nakamura grabs a chair. Referees try to stop Nakamura’s assault, but Julius and Brutus Creed hit the ring. Nakamura slinks away. As Rhodes is being helped up the ramp, Nakamura runs down the ramp and drops him with a Kinshasa.

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Reinaldo Massengill

Update: 2024-02-19